Make your emergency plan

Prepare for disasters by making an emergency plan. Get together as a household and make a plan today.

Emergency evacuation plan (PDF, 44KB)

Display your plan where your whole family can see it. Save a digital copy on your phone or computer.

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  • Check with your local council if severe storms, cyclones, floods, storm surge or tsunamis are likely in your area.
  • Research local emergency plans, evacuation zones, and suggested evacuation routes for where you live and work.
  • Find out what help is available through local council and support agencies.
  • Know how to find out about evacuation centres in your community during a severe weather event. Where are they located? What facilities are available? Will you be able to take your pets?
  • What could happen in a cyclone, storm, flood, or tsunami?
  • What would you do in these situations?
  • Where might you be when an emergency occurs? 
  • How will you stay in contact with friends and family?
  • Do any members of your household have medical conditions or special needs that must be considered?
  • How will you care for your pets and livestock? You may not be able to take them with you if you evacuate.
  • If you live in a well-constructed home outside a storm tide or flood prone area, plan to shelter in your home. 
  • Identify the strongest, most protected part of your home to shelter in (preferably away from windows). 
  • If you do shelter in your home, how long might you be isolated for? How many days of supplies will you need?
  • If flooding is a risk, organise your evacuation now so you can shelter in a safer place with friends or family. Think about paid accommodation or evacuation centres as a last resort.
  • Each local council will have a different plan for evacuations. Find out yours now so you are prepared.
  • What are your triggers for leaving?
  • Who will you tell? You should let your family, friends, and neighbours know where you have gone in case you need to be contacted. 
  • If there is a threat to your life, authorities may issue a mandatory direction to evacuate. You must follow this direction and leave. 
  • Prepare your emergency kit and get your home ready now. 
  • Make sure everyone knows how to find information about weather events and warnings. 
  • Update your emergency contact details at your work, school, and childcare centre.
  • Make sure everyone (including children) knows to call Triple Zero (000) in an emergency.
  • Share your emergency plan with family and friends.
  • Practise your plan.
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